Posted Date: 03/08/2024
Congratulations to the Gray Den! They were the first den to correctly guess the mystery figure. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, won a Nobel Prize for her work in discovering the structure of penicillin and vitamin B-12. The gray den earned 50 points. Listen next week for another mystery figure.
Congratulations to the following students who were named high school students of the month for March: Kendall Laible, Livie Beltramea, Drew DeWalt, and Erica Vaughn! Thank you for your dedication to LW and for making every day a great day to be a wildcat!
Lunch: Boxco cheese stick, corn, peaches and a cookie
Maroon and Gold Sports Corner: Congratulations to the JH Scholastic Bowl team for winning match B against Putnam County last night!